Date Palm Byproducts: History of Utilization

 Date Palm Byproducts: History of Utilization … 7 Fig. 3 A date Palm 4.1 Benefits of Pruning In average, 13 leaves, 13 petioles and 7 bunches are cut per date palm in the annual pruning process (Agoudjil et al. 2011). Annual pruning is necessary for the following (Bekheet 2013): • Achieving the most suitable symmetry to guarantee the upright standing of the palm. • Removing abnormal and dead tissues that may take the nutrition from the fruits. • Stimulating fruit production and flowering necessary for pollination. • Decreasing the threat of catching fire when the leaves become dry homemade bath pouf. • Getting rid of dry and yellow leaves especially if they were infected. • Removing the thorns and excess leaves that would obstacle the processes of pollination or harvesting. • Allowing the sunlight reach the fruits for high quality of the photosynthesis process. • Collecting the products of pruning that represent abundant raw materials for several traditional forms of utilization bath pouf wholesale. 8 H. El-Mously and E. A. Darwish Fig. 4 A climber works on removing excess leaves during the pruning process while supported by a climbing belt made from date palm coir 4.2 Timing and Procedure of Pruning The annual time of pruning varies from a place to another, but is mainly one of those 3 timings: in autumn after the harvest, in the beginning of spring in the pollination time, and in the ripening time of the leaves in the summer. Special and trained workers usually perform the annual process as shown in Fig. 4. It begins with the removal of the 3-year old dry leaves using a sharp knife. The cutting should be 10–12 cm above the petiole and the cutting direction should be down-up so the slope of the petiole would expel rainwater. 

5.9 made using rubber seed oil (RSO), however, they have very low mechanical prop- erties when compared to synthetic thermoset resins. They have a tensile modulus of 0 body highlighter puff.4 GPa and a strength of 4.8 MPa (Bakare et al. 2010). A research conducted by Fiorelli and few other researchers to develop particleboard using coconut fibre and bio-based PU resins showed superior results in producing a composite that can be used in housing shower sponge on a handle, farm buildings and structural applications when compared to producing the same composite from urea–formaldehyde resin (Fiorelli et al. 2012). Thus, bio-based PU resins can be applied in developing DPF that can be used in housing and structural applications, however extensive research is required. Bio-based phenolic resins Bio-based phenols extracted from cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), are considered as good and sustainable natural alternative to synthetic or petroleum-derived phenols  (Kim 2015). It is a low-cost material that is abundantly available across the globe, e.g. India, Brazil, and tropical region of Africa. Thus, CNSL can be used as starting material in polymer industry due to its low cost, abundant availability and chemi- cally reactive nature. Several researchers have studied and monitored the extraction, chemistry and composition of CNSL. It is extracted from cashew nut using different processes, namely, hot oil process, roasting process, solvent and supercritical fluid extraction process (Setianto et al. 2009). CNSL-based phenolic resins were used in coating, laminate and friction materials industries body puff kmart. The CNSL-based resins show high rigidity and thermal stability due to the presence of aromatic rings on their backbone (Menon et al. 1996). Jaillet and his colleagues reported with isophorone diamine (IPDA) as curing agent, Tg value for cardanol-based resin was found to be 45 °C, while for diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), it was found to be 73 °C (Jaillet et al. 2014). Furthermore, bio-based phenolic resins has also been used as the matrix resin for developing 100% biodegradable bio-composites when reinforced with natural fibres (Barreto et al. 2010; Crosky et al. 2013). Njoku and his colleagues reported that alkali treated coir fibres reinforced with CNSL possess higher tensile strength than neat CNSL composites. Their results showed that 30% of coir fibres, weight fraction, added as a reinforcement increases the tensile strength by 70.9% (Njoku et al. 2012). 

Thus, it is presumed that these resins can also be used Polymer Matrix Systems Used for Date Palm Composite Reinforcement 143 in developing DPF composites that possess enhanced mechanical properties with higher tensile strength and being 100% biodegradable white bath pouf. Protein based resins Soy protein products can also be used to make thermoset resins. They include soy protein isolate (SPI), soy flour (SF) and soy protein concentrate (SPC). SPI can be synthesized at a pH of 4.5 by precipitation and consists of more than 90% protein. The SPC is prepared by elutriating soluble units from defatted SF and contains almost 18% carbohydrate and more than 70% protein. The SF has a different constitution, it consists of almost 56% protein and about 34% carbohydrate (Paetau et al. 1994). The mentioned soy protein materials have been utilized as the matrix material in natural fibre thermoset matrix composites. To give an enhancement to its tensile properties, SF can be modified to improve its protein content. The modified SF is recognized as MSF. SF can also be modified by cross-linking SF with the use of glutaraldehyde (GA) to give cross-linked soy flower (CSF). In addition to that, the SPI can also be modified using stearic acid to enhance the properties of the composites (Bobade et al. 2016). Epoxidized plant oil-based resins Plant oils are mostly composed of triglycerides that are made up of 3 unsaturated fatty acids joined at glycerol juncture. The fatty acids are generally 14–22 carbon atoms with 0–3 double bonds per fatty acid (Wool and Sun 2011). 


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